Kawasaki daishi temple

Kawasaki daishi


Kawasaki daishi
Kawasaki daishi
Main building of Kawasaki daishi
神奈川 川崎 川崎大師 本殿
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Name: Kongosan Kinjoin Heikenji (Yakuyoke Kobo Daishi or Kawasaki Daishi)
Place: 4-48 Daisahi-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Foundation: 1128
School: Singon
Principal Image: The image of Kobo Daishi (Kukai 774-835)
Founded by: Buddhist Priest Sonken
Festival: Gancho Ohgomaku(Dec 31-Jan 1)the first Goma-Kito (the rite of burning) of the year, Setsubun-e・Mamemakishiki(around Feb 3) , Gohonzon Kobo-Daishi Gotan Hoshukuethe (birthday of the priest Kobo-Daishi) (Mid June), Furin-Ichi (Wind-Bell-Market) (July)

Overview: The temple is well known for its power of Yakuyoke (warding off evil), Kawasaki Daishi is one of the biggest temples of the Chisan School of Shingon Buddhism

Official website: http://www.kawasakidaishi.com/english/index.html

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawasaki_Daishi

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